It must be returned with the original packaging and the labels & swing tags still attached. To be eligible for a refund or exchange, the item you return must be new, must not have been worn, not have been altered or washed. If you purchased the product through another retailer, please contact the retailer for your return. Returns will only be accepted if you purchased your items from .za. Q: HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO RECEIVE MY ORDER?Ī: Once the order has been processed and sent off, it will take between 2-6 working days to reach you, depending on where in South Africa you are located.
Q: HOW SOON AFTER I PLACE MY ORDER WILL THE ITEM/S BE SHIPPED?Ī: Orders will be processed within 1 working day of being placed, unless the order is placed over the weekend, in which case, it will be processed on the Monday.Ī: We only offer door to door deliveries.
A: We accept payments made via PayFast and Bank Deposit (EFT).Ī: All prices are including VAT so there will be no extra charges added onto your total.